
Before solving any data synchronization problem, it is crucial to first take a survey of the types of problems you intend to solve. Conversely, it is rarely a successful endeavor to bolt a synchronization component onto an existing application without either failing or solving a rather large impendence miss-match between system components. It is on this last point that many existing applications have tried and failed, by failing to properly anticipate and additionally solve these often-hidden complexities.

Because of this, this book will not attempt to outline a general solution to data synchronization – such a solution is impractical and likely to result in disappointment – Instead, this book will outline a series of scenarios, and walk through implementing a synchronization solution for each specific use-case. Your own needs may be very close to one of these scenarios, or a unique combination of bits and pieces of multiple. It is, therefore, my hope that you approach each of these as merely suggestions, and feel free to practice with tweaks, or even completely changing, these solutions for your unique needs.

Use this book as a reference, and a guide on your journey, taking the liberty to adapt this knowledge to your unique situation. If there is one thing I have learned over my years of working with data synchronization, it’s that no two use cases will ever be exactly the same.


General Objectives

Each pattern discussed will have its own unique objective and problems it is attempting to optimize for, but each is also united in the objective of accomplishing data synchronization between server and client devices. Additionally, each pattern will seek to minimize the amount of time a user is locked out of the user-interface, with an ultimate objective of eliminating any such periods. While each pattern is unique in the specific combination of scenarios it is optimizing for, each also is outlined and presented in as linear of a fashion as makes sense, thusly allowing the reader the experience of seeing how each pattern truly builds and expands upon all the preceding concepts, bit by bit.



While all the algorithms and patterns discussed on this book are applicable to any number of platforms I ultimately had to make the decision to implement examples in some language as it would be wildly impractical and hard to comprehend if this book instead avoided code examples entirely. Because something had to be chosen I, decided to use the following languages and platforms;

Mobile: iOS, Objective-C, SQLite
Server: Node.js, Postgres

For the server side components, Docker will be used to automate and abstract away a lot of those dependencies. Since this is not a resource about Docker, and doing it justice is far outside the scope of this book, little time will be spent discussing it. You will not be expected to be skilled in Docker to get the most out of this book, though for those who are curious on the subject, here are some great resources for beginning that journey;


Code Samples

Links to download the various code samples can be found at the top of each chapter. Sample code in free chapters (i.e., those available without a login) is licensed under the terms of the AGPLv3 for all visitors of this website. Paid members may optionally use either the AGPLv3 or their License for free chapter sample code. Sample code in paid chapters (i.e., those available only with a login) is exclusively licensed under the terms of License.

[TODO briefly discuss how to follow along with the code samples]

Server to client updates